HHS Logistical and Technical Support for ORR

HHS needed comprehensive logistical support to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) by convening conferences, meetings, consultations, and training for states and private non-profit resettlement agencies across the US.

Paltech has served HHS since 1996 and maintains skilled consultants with expertise in areas relevant to ORR priorities. Paltech developed a strategic meeting management plan to meet “National Consultation” conference event objectives while monitoring spending and ensuring quality. Our experienced professionals designed, implemented, and managed conference projects efficiently and on schedule. We selected and negotiated the hotel meeting site; identified and contacted presenters; marketed the conference; developed marketing; arranged logistical support; developed registration materials; and produced a summary evaluation report.
For the 2010 National Consultation, the client requested that the 800 registration packets include tabs to separate meeting materials. This request that was made at 2:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon with Early Bird registration scheduled to open at 6:00 pm. Through stores were soon closing, Paltech was able to purchase tabbed sheets for each registration packet. To prepare the 200 packets 200, Paltech delayed opening of Early Bird registration by one hour. After Early Bird registration closed, Paltech team completed the remaining 600 registration packets in preparation for the next morning’s registration.