Response Boat – Medium Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETPs)

Over the next eight years, the U.S. Coast Guard will acquire a fleet of 180 new Response Boats—extraordinarily fast and capable vessels. Logistics support is critical to the operational readiness of these “RB-Ms.” The Coast Guard needed an effective way to schedule maintenance, order parts, document engineering change requests and maintenance, and other logistics; and it needed this support quickly to coincide with delivery of the first boats.

Paltech’s Gradient eLearning division developed an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP), incorporating operation and maintenance manuals and integrated with the logistics support package. Our solution enabled crews to efficiently operate, maintain, and repair boats and ensure operational readiness. Our IETP will be the primary interface for field users throughout the Coast Guard to access technical data about the RB-M.
Paltech reduced the cost of maintenance and the time boats spend at Coast Guard stations. As Admiral Thad Allen put it: “The Coast Guard will be putting the right tools in the hands of their people to do the job our Nation needs them to do.”